Contact Form 7 Prebuilt Templates | READY to Use (2024)

Contact Form 7 has become a popular WordPress plugin for creating contact forms in a hassle-free manner. As a website owner, you may have experienced the need to create and manage contact forms on your website. Fortunately, Contact Form 7 offers a range of prebuilt templates that can significantly simplify this task.

Contact Form 7 Prebuilt Template

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Contact Form 7 prebuilt templates and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use them effectively. Also, the ready-to-use codes are given under each screenshot.

Simple Demo Template

This is the default contact form code of the Contact Form 7 plugin.

Simple Contact Form

The Code :

<label> Your name
[text* your-name autocomplete:name] </label>

<label> Your email
[email* your-email autocomplete:email] </label>

<label> Subject
[text* your-subject] </label>

<label> Your message (optional)
[textarea your-message] </label>

[submit "Submit"]

Suggestion Form:

This is a straightforward form that may be used as a proposal form or a feedback form. It’s really easy to recreate, and you may change it as much as you like. I’ve used a form like this for several of my customers, such as a forum website, where they sought user comments on how to enhance the site.

Feel free to experiment with the form; everything is completely functional. You may customize the style and feel of this contact form using CSS, just like any other.

Job Contact Form


<label> Name [text* Name placeholder "John Smith"] </label>
<label> Email [email* Email ""] </label>
<label> Suggestions [checkbox* Suggestion label_first "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"] </label>
<label> Subject [text* Subject placeholder "HR"] </label>
<label> Message [textarea* Message "Info"][file* SupportingDocument limit:999] </label>

[submit "Send"]

Job Application Contact Form

Contact Form 7’s Job Application Contact Form is adaptable and appropriate for a wide range of industries and organizations. It integrates smoothly into websites, making it perfect for corporations, non-profits, educational institutions, and government bodies looking for a more efficient application process.

Its adjustable fields allow for targeted queries for a wide range of vocations, from entry-level to executive. Its user-friendly features offer a great candidate experience while capturing critical applicant information swiftly.

This contact form improves the recruiting process by offering a professional and uniform approach to manage job applications across many industries, whether for corporate hiring, university admissions, or nonprofit recruitment.

Job Application Contact Form


<label>Your Name (required)</label>
[text* your-name]

<label>Your Email (required)</label>
[email* your-email]

<label>Phone Number (required)</label>
[tel* tel-956]

<label>Position Applying For (required)</label>
[text* position]

<label>Upload Your Resume (PDF, DOC, DOCX or TXT format only, max size 2MB)</label>
[file* file-316 limit:2097152 filetypes:pdf|doc|docx|txt]

<label>Why are you a good fit for this position? (required)</label>
[textarea* your-message]

[submit "Submit Application"]


Contact Form 7 Quiz

Quiz Form


<div id="quiz-container">
<h2>Quiz Form</h2>
<form id="quiz-form">
<label for="question-1">What is the capital of France?</label>
<input type="text" id="question-1" name="question-1" required>

<label for="question-2">Who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'?</label>
<input type="text" id="question-2" name="question-2" required>

<button type="button" id="submit-quiz">Submit Quiz</button>

<div id="result-container"></div>

Online Order Contact Form

Phone Order Form


<p>Phone *<br /> [select* phone "iPhone" "Samsung Galaxy" "htc Desire"] </p>

<p>Color *<br /> [select* color "black" "white" "grey"] </p>

<p>Name *<br /> [text* your-name] </p>

<p>Email *<br /> [email* your-email] </p>

<p>Preferred payment <br /> [radio paymethod "VISA" "MASTERCARD" "AMEX"]</p>

<p>[checkbox quickdelivery] Quick delivery (1 day)</p>

<p>[submit "Place order"]</p>


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