Best Free Plugins for WordPress 2024, Number 7 will Shock you

Plugins are WordPress applications that you can use. You will need to add new functionality to the web day by day. New functionalities are costly too. But the good news is brings a lot of premium quality plugins for their users that costs free! Also, the features of this plugin are very good too. And that’s what you need. These free plugins will help you boost the (best) web interface, customize the site for search engines, defend it from spammers.

Best Free Plugins for WordPress 2024

In this best free plugins for WordPress article, you will introduce you the coolest SEO plugin that gives you all the pro features for free, we will introduce you to an awesome plugin so that you can change your admin dashboard interface or menu pattern for free, Secure your site from spammers, Limit your login from hackers who are trying to break your sites wp-admin wall all the time. We will also talk about a plugin that has a bunch of built-in professional web pages designed for you. So, let’s jump.

1. Image optimization & Lazy Load by Optimole

Optimole is the complete solution of image optimization and lazy load features. Even this awesome free plugin gives you a Completely free global image CDN that is valuable too. It also provides you network-based image quality optimization (instantly). These services are free for you but Features are totally free. The features of This plugin may speed up your site dramatically.

Why OPtimole
Why OPtimole

Features of Optimole WordPress Plugin:

  • Auto Scaled Images
  • Smart Lazy-Loading
  • Cloudfront CDN (200+ locations)
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • 12-24h Email Support

Best Free Plugins for WordPress Security:

2. WPS hide login

WPS hide login is a WordPress default login address changing Plugin which is one of the most important security factors for your website. You can change your wp-admin login URL from – to

and after that, if anyone clicks your old login URL, that link will be redirected to a 404 page or whatever page you select. you can get a short tutorial from another tips and tricks article from this link.

Features of WPS Hide Login:

  • Change Login Address (Link)
  • Completely Free
  • Most Important Security Factor
WPS hide login WPorg
WPS hide login WPorg

Best Free Plugins for WordPress for Affiliate Marketers:

3. Pretty Links

Pretty Links is one of the must-have free plugins for any kind of affiliation platform. This plugin will safely shorten the URL on your WordPress blog. Using Pretty Links to increase the attractiveness and relevance of your external affiliate links. That’s why, This is the most popular and Best Free Plugins for WordPress, who runs affiliate program.

just  like:

Pretty Links src
Pretty Links src

Features of Pretty Links:

  • Create clean, simple URLs on your website (301, 302, and 307 redirects only)
  • Random-generator or custom URL slugs
  • Track the number of clicks
  • Easy to understand reports
  • Create nofollow / noindex links
  • Exclude IP Addresses from Stats
  • Easily update redirected links to new URLs (great for changing links site-wide!)
pretty links
pretty links

4. Rank Math SEO

(This is the best (also free) SEO plugin for WordPress)

I already Declared on my WordPress Tips & Tricks article that Rank Math SEO is far better than other SEO Plugins. This awesome free plugin gives you almost all the premium features for free that its competitors provide. I also provided a chart that shows why Rank Math SEO is far better than Yoast SEO there.

Rank Math Analytics
Rank Math Analytics

Features of Rank Math SEO:

  • 404 Error Monitor & Broken Link Checker
  • Better Rich Snippets & Schema Markup Support
  • Redirections
  • 1-Click SEO Audit
  • Automatic SEO image optimizer
  • WordPress Breadcrumbs
  • Local SEO and Knowledge Graph
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Basic WooCommerce SEO
  • Google News SEO Sitemap
  • Track Top 5 Winning KeywordsTrack Top 5 Losing KeywordsTrack Top 5 Winning
  • PostsTrack Top 5 Losing Posts Advanced Content SEO Overview and many more.

5. Wpvivid Backup & Migration

Though almost all popular web hosts have their cPanel backup services, Experts still prefer users not to rely on them completely. Because every website owner must back up your website on at least a weekly or daily basis.

Even, this plugin gives you a completely free Migration service too. That means you can transfer your site from your current site to a new site, some of the popular plugins in the WordPress directory like to charge money to do this from their users.


Features of WpVivid Backup Plugin:

  • Auto migration
  • Offsite backup to remote storage
  • One-click restore
  • Unused image cleaner (beta)

6. Autoptimize

One of the most common topics for any WordPress website speed optimization, is minifying JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files. Also combining them in a perfect way is also mandatory. You may find a lot of plugins to do this, some of them offer premium services. But here is Autoptimize WordPress plugin that is completely free for you. Even this plugin offers image optimization and lazy load features too.


Features of Autoptimize:

  • Aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles
  • Can inject CSS in the page head
  • Inline critical CSS and defer the aggregated full CSS
  • Moves and defers scripts to the footer and minifies HTML.
  • Optimize and lazy-load images (with support for WebP and AVIF formats)
  • Optimize Google Fonts,
  • Async non-aggregated JavaScript
  • Remove WordPress core emoji cruft and more.

7. Login Lockdown

Hackers are trying to crack your website user access all the time. If you are using the same email addresses and usernames on various websites, chances are hackers may use your username or email to get access to your wp-admin dashboard login by various scripts. Unfortunately, WordPress CMS doesn’t have any restrictions for “login failed” attempts. You can try hundreds and thousands of passwords in a day!

That may take your site riskier. Here is a solution for you! Just use a plugin named Login Lockdown. Just set an action and time limit for any users. Just like, “If a user makes ‘login failed’ action consecutively 3 times within 5 minutes, this user IP will be blocked for a day.”

Features of Login LockDown:

  • Lock unauthorized user IPs
  • Protect from Melecious attack
login lockdown settings
login lockdown settings

8. Fluent Form (Contact Form)

This powerful drag-and-drop contact form enables you to quickly develop any simple WordPress contact forms as well as other web-related forms, like surveys, multiple-choice questions, and any other online forms without composing a single line of javascript or CSS, and you can create a complete ready any types of form in just a few minutes. The best thing about that is it has so many prebuilt forms so that you don’t need too much time to build one.

Features of WP Fluent Forms:

  • Easy To Use Form Builder
  • Drag & Drop Contact Form BuilderSimple and Faster than other Contact Form Plugins
  • Multi-column Contact Form Layout
  • Smart Conditional Logic Form Fields
  • Send Beautiful Newsletter
  • In-Depth Analytics
  • MailChimp Integration
  • 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Forms and Contact Forms.
Fluent Form
Fluent Form

9. WP Fastest Cache

Webpage Caching is very important. Because it makes your website faster. And recently Google claims that your website speed is a ranking factor. So, if you are trying to rank, you need to work on these sides too. If you search best caching plugin for WordPress, you may find many popular plugins like W3 total cache, Litespeed Cache, WP-Optimize, or Cache Enabler. But these plugins are tough to use if you are not a Developer!

affiliate link

That’s why here I recommend WP Fastest Cache. Why? Because this setup Functionality is fastest too. Just follow the settings of the front page.

Features WP Fastest Cache:

  • Easy to use
  • Setup time is less than 2 minutes
  • Caching
  • Minify JS CSS HTML
  • Render blocking
  • Lazy load images
  • Do not load google font

This can be your Ideal WP Fastest Cache settings:

wp fastest cache settings
Image: Online Media Masters

Best Free Plugins for WordPress to Add Header / Footer Code:

10. Insert Headers and Footers

If you have spent some time with WordPress CMS or SEO tasks, you may be heard an instruction like, “Put this HTML tag/Code/script inside your Header / Body / Footer tags”.

And after copying the code you start a journey that might make you terrible! You go to the theme editor panel and look for the Header.php file, you search the header code and …… (Long process). And after a week when your theme arrives with a new update and you do the update, you lose all the works you did.

As well as the theme, the header.php file updates too. And you just lost all the codes that you put here last week. And you start doing the same thing.
Have you thought about how irritating the situation is? Here you can use this awesome plugin called Insert header and footer scripts.

Over a million people are using this plugin for their websites. You can add header, footer, body scripts for AdSense, Property verification for Search Console, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and hundreds more..

Features of Insert Headers and Footers Scripts:

  • Setup within 30 seconds!
  • Scripts are easy to insert.
  • Compatible with Google Analytics code.
  • Any code or script, like HTML and Javascript, may be inserted.
  • Add personalized CSS to any theme.
  • Compatible for Placing the Facebook pixel code.

This is How Insert Headers & Footers Settings page looks like –

screenshot 1
Image Source:

Best Free Plugins for WordPress to Insert Table Of Content:

11. LuckyWP Table of Contents

In specific long articles, a table of contents provides a better user experience by allowing users to jump to the section they wish to read. It also aids WordPress SEO because Google puts a hop to section connect next to your site in search results. Here LuckyWP Table of Content is the most liked TOC in the WordPress community because of its user-friendly interface & quick setup. That’s why I prefer to use this.

Features of LuckyWP Table of Contents:

  • Automatically insert Table of Content
  • Highly customizable features
  • Shortcode features
  • Color Variation for Better Interface
  • Skip headings by level or text

12. Akismet – Spam Protection

Nowadays, The number of spam comments on popular websites may be as high as 85 percent. This means that out of every 100 comments, only 15 are valid!

Comment moderation is a time-consuming process, and Akismet will save you hours. Akismet is going to catch spam comments until it arrives in your moderation queue as it stands. This helps you to concentrate your attention on moderating the comments of actual users.
Then here comes Akismet Anti Spam Plugin, This Plugin Is developed by WordPress founders.

Features of Akismet Spam Protection:

  • Automatically Checks all comments and Mark Spam on Melecious performs
  • Free for Non-Commercial Use
Why Akismet
Why Akismet

13. Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also known as rich results, Google search results that provide extra information like ratting, price, author name, etc. This extra detail is typically gleaned from the Organized Data portion of a page’s HTML. Reviews, recipes, and activities are all popular forms of Rich Excerpts.


Features of All In One Schema Rich Snippets:

The following types of schemes are supported by this plugin;

  • Review
  • Event
  • People
  • Video
  • Articles
  • Product
  • Recipe
  • Software / Application


15. WP Rollback

With this plugin, you can use the “Time Machine” of your plugins and WordPress versions. If the latest version of any plugin causes an error or found a bug, you can easily reinstall the previous version (any version between the initial release).

WP Rollback
WP Rollback

Features of WP Rollback:

  • Get back to any old version of any WordPress Plugin or Theme

Best Free Plugins for WordPress for Google Adsense Ad Inserting:

16. Ad Inserter – Ad Manager & AdSense Ads

Are you looking for a simple way to place all your AdSense code in an organized way? This awesome plugin may help you a lot. Also, this ad management plugin does your all jobs for a few clicks.

After installing this plugin you just need to insert ad codes and selecting where you want to show ads. Like, After the headings, after every 4 paragraphs, after 200 words etc.

Features of Ad Inserter – Ad Manager & AdSense Ads Plugin:

Ads Insert

  • Fast Adsense Integration
  • Automatically inserts ads on posts and pages
  • Admin can apply Ad placement rules on post, content, paragraph, random paragraph
  • Insert ads before or after multiple paragraphs, before or after image, comments

Best Free Plugins for WordPress for Google Analytics Report:

17. MonsterInsight

The most popular Google Analytics integration plugin for WordPress is MonsterInsights. You can connect your Google Analytics codes with this awesome plugin with just a few clicks. MonsterInsights shows you where your visitors are coming from and how much time they are spending on any particular post. It also indicates which contents need to be updated.

Features of MonsterInsights (Free Version):

  • Fast and easy Google Analytics Configuration
  • Even after changing WordPress themes, it keeps your Google Analytics code
  • Get all the Google Analytics real-time stats in the WordPress dashboard
  • View popular posts, User Engagement time, and referral websites
MonsterInsight WPorg
MonsterInsight WPorg

Best Tricky (Free) Plugins for WordPress:

19. Duplicate Page

By using Yoast Duplicate page in your WordPress dashboard, you can clone or copy any page or post to a new draft from your admin dashboard.

clone new draft button yoast duplicate post plugin

Features of Duplicate Page:

  • Easy to use.
  • Duplicate Page, Post and Users
Yoast Duplicate Post
Yoast Duplicate Post

Best Free Plugins for WordPress for Translation (Multilingual) :

20. Translate WordPress with GTranslate

Millions of non-English blogs worldwide are using WordPress. To build a website in any language you like, you can use WordPress.

However, WordPress does not have a built-in translation facility. Luckily, you can easily add multilingual content to your website with some powerful WordPress translation plug-ins.
After using this plugin called Translate WordPress with GTranslate, any user can translate any of your posts or pages in any language. That’s why user review says, this is the best & free translation plugin for WordPress.


Features of Translate WordPress with GTranslate:

  • Translate Your blogpost or article fast like a fly
  • Google Translator Widget Support

21. iThemes Security

This popular WordPress security plugin provides over 30+ safe and stable methods. Over 30 thousand websites are getting hacked every day. Because of nulled plugins, poor authentication, and outdated scripts, WordPress websites can be a convenient target for hackers (I already explained some points for this reason in my WordPress tips article).

Most Administrators of WordPress do not realize they are insecure, but iThemes Security works towards locking WordPress, fixing common gaps, stopping auto attacks, and securing login credentials. This WordPress protection plugin can help harden WordPress with specialized functionality for you. These super-strong security firewalls made this free plugin the most 5 stars review on WordPress.

iThemes Security
iThemes Security

Features of iThemes Security:

  • File Changes Alert
  • Brute Force Attack Protection
  • Database Backup
  • Security Checks
  • Away Mode
  • Edit Content Directory
  • Ban Spammers
  • Change Login URL
  • & A Lot More

Best Free Plugins for WordPress for Non-Techies:

22. Starter Templates

Building a website from scratch can be time-consuming and a hassle for non-designers. Or when time is just a little bit tight and sometimes you simply don’t have the time or the design inspiration to sit down and go through font combinations, color schemes, or design concepts and you just simply need a great starting point that not only looks good but it’s also already optimized for responsiveness.

This Starter template has many built-in templates (Ready made websites) for you. you just need a couple of clicks to import the websites on your domain.
But you can use these templates when you are using Astra Theme by Brainstorm Force. So, check the demos from starter templates, if you have any choice just install an active Astra Theme as well as Starter Templates, then just import & enjoy.

Features of Starter Templates:

  • Full Website templates for Elementor, Brizy, Beaver & Gutenberg
  • Can add image Directly from Pixabay
Starter Template
Starter Template

24. Admin Menu Editor

This Free plugin allows you to configure the Interface of your wp-admin dashboard menu in whatever style you wish. You can rearrange the menus, make specific options enable or disappear, alter permissions, and much more.

ADmin Menu Editor

Features of Admin Menu Editor:

  • Menu names, URLs, logos, and so on can all be modified.
  • A menu object can be moved to a separate submenu.
  • Make your own menus that link to some section of the Dashboard or that could be an outsider link address.
  • Drag and drop menu objects to organize them.
  • Set the appropriate functionality or function to modify menu permissions.

That’s ALL!

If you have any query about any plugin from here or need a suggestion for your WordPress website, just comment below. I will reply to solve your issue ASAP!

OH, by the way, have you noticed that I escaped some numbers (like 14)? I just made this gap for you. I am looking for your suggestion. Comment below, I am waiting.

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